Paleo Breakfast Tart


Cereal, yoghurt and fruit is a pretty standard breakfast, but a few small changes with the arrangement turn this run-of-the-mill breakfast into a dessert worthy treat!


To Make Coconut Yoghurt

Sterilize a glass jar either by boiling or by washing in the dishwasher. Mix all the ingredients in the jar and cover with cheesecloth or a chux cloth and stand somewhere warm for up to 2 days till nice and tangy. A hot water cupboard or in the oven with only the light on make good places to keep it while it ferments.

To Make The Paleo Breakfast Tart

Put ¾ cup of paleo breakfast cereal in a food processor and blend. Drizzle a little oil while stirring till crumbs just start to hold together.

Press into a cheesecake dish.

Add 3 Tbsp of hot water into a cup and stir in 3 tsp of gelatine. Mix into yoghurt and stir until gelatine is dissolved. To help dissolve gelatine you may need to warm yoghurt slightly over a bain marie. Don’t overheat though, you don’t want to kill off all the beneficial probiotics.

Pour yoghurt over base and refrigerate till set. If you want this for breakfast, you will need to make the night before.

Top with fruit and enjoy!

These quantities made 2 small 11cm cheesecakes, enough to serve 2-4 people. To make a full size one just double the quantities.
Paleo ✓

Raw X (depends on cereal used for base)

Vegan X

Vegetarian ✓


Refined Sugar Free ✓

Gluten Free ✓

Nut Free X

Soy Free ✓

Dairy Free ✓

Egg Free ✓


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